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SociaLight: Lamar Jackson Was a Big Wrestling Fan Growing Up; Gets Called Out By Jericho

QB Lamar Jackson

The Baltimore Ravens AEW crossover action continues.

Lamar Jackson, joined by teammates including Tyler "Snoop" Huntley and James Proche II, took in some All Elite Wrestling (AEW) Wednesday night in Baltimore. The local crowd even got an "MVP" chant going to welcome him.

Naturally, Lamar became part of the entertainment, with the MVP getting a good-natured (I think?) threat from AEW heel Chris Jericho.

"I'll even whip Lamar Jackson's [butt]," Jericho said with a grin.

QB1 had no interest in getting in the ring after that one!

"Chris Jericho called me out; I was like … (laughter) I didn't really hear what he said at first, and then they told me, and I started laughing," Jackson said. "I'm like, 'This man is crazy.' I enjoyed it though, because growing up, I was a huge fan of wrestling. So, it was cool to go see that."

Jackson said he didn't really have one favorite wrestler growing up.

"I was kind of hopping around," he said. "I just had my favorites: Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero – those guys. I was locked in back in the day. I used to always watch it."

Lamar shared photos with AEW stars Mark Henry, his new nemesis Jericho and Jeff Jarrett on his Instagram.

It's not the first time a Raven has gotten a shoutout at an AEW event. The last time AEW was in town, Head Coach John Harbaugh took in the action with Marlon Humphrey, Ben Cleveland and former Raven Tyre Phillips. Harbaugh's college roommate was wrestler Brian Pullman Jr.'s father.

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